Connectors India (advertising Agency)

connectors india (advertising agency)

419, Shopping Sqaure, Sector-D, Sushant Golf City Bagiamau, lucknow, Sushant Golf City Bagiamau, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

uttar pradesh, 08874207708

Email :

Website :

Connectors india ( Advertising agency) is a place where conceptualising, creating, planning and managing and handling advertising is done. There are various ways of promoting a product and there is no one-size-fits-all form of approach for the promotion of products and services. An ideal ad agency keeps various modes of promotion under their umbrella, like Hoardings, advertisements in Print Media, Radio etc. Depending upon the requirements of the clients, an ad agency can create suitable advertisements, entire marketing and branding strategies for sales promotion. An ad agency can have a wide spectrum of clients like, private, government organisations, non � profit organization etc

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