Prime Minister Narendra Modi Inaugurated Defense Expo 2020 in Lucknow

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Defense Expo 2020 Inauguration in Lucknow

July 27, 2024

Uttar Pradesh will become the hub of Defense Construction

At the inauguration of Defense Expo 2020 in Lucknow, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that Uttar Pradesh will become a major hub for defense construction in the coming days. Youths will get massive employment in the Defense Corridor, which fulfills the dream of Make in India.


India will Indepent in Defense Sector

Prime Minister gave a message to make India self-reliant in defense sector at Defense Expo. He raised the slogan of 'Make in India, For India and For World' in the defense sector and said that India will become an exporter of defense products worth Rs 35 thousand crores in 5 years, which has reached Rs 17000 crores till now.

Defense Expo 2020 Lucknow

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